Michigan Nonprofit Articles Of Incorporation. Non-profit corporations may provide their shareholders, directors, and officers with protection from liability. Approval of this document secures your corporate name and creates the legal entity of the nonprofit.
When Articles of Incorporation are filed, the Bureau assigns the corporation a six-digit file number and this number is included on the document.
These three Bills amend the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act (the "Act") which is the law under which most trade associations operate.
Information on ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION - NONPROFIT filing for TEAM MICHIGAN USA TRACK TEAM (Michigan (US)). You should already have the articles of incorporation papers you need from the appropriate state office for your nonprofit. (If not, use the list of state offices at the IRS website for contact information.) That office may even have provided sample articles of incorporation and instructions about how to. What is required may differ from state to Many state offices will provide a packet of information about how to incorporate as a nonprofit and even samples of articles of incorporation.