Medical Confidentiality Agreement Form. A Patient Confidentiality Agreement Maybe Required In The Following Instances When one is seeking medical attention from a physician or a doctor and wants to keep it private and confidential. Confidentiality Agreement Template: Download this non-disclosure agreement sample in Word format, and adjust it to fit your needs.
Put a confidentiality agreement in place fast.
Use as a stand-alone document or cut and paste to an existing form of contract.
Patient and personnel information from any source and in any form (e.g., paper record, talking, computers, etc.) is strictly. Employees of Duke University & Duke University Health System may have access to confidential information that is needed to perform their job duties. Confidentiality Agreement I understand that I may, during the course of my visit with RD Finders and Personal Training, hear or come into contact with medical records, or similar documents, except as specifically allowed by the RD Finders and Personal Training.